(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Really good product & service
    Purchased these gaming glasses for my son who games a lot. He had trouble sleeping and I tried the glasses on him, he says they work really well and he doesn’t have issues sleeping anymore, unless he forgets to wear them. Very comfortable and work well with his headset.


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REGEN Optics

REGEN Optics is a retailer specialising in gaming eyewear designed to enhance the visual experience for gamers. The company offers a range of glasses with blue light blocking technology to reduce eye strain and improve comfort during long gaming sessions. The glasses are designed with features such as flexible frames and a switchable temple system, allowing for easy adjustment between gaming and everyday use. REGEN Optics emphasises the compatibility of its glasses with gaming headsets, addressing common issues faced by gamers who wear glasses. The product range includes options with colour-enhancing lenses designed to make visual elements more vibrant, thereby enhancing the gaming experience. In addition, the company markets its glasses as suitable for use with various digital devices, not just gaming consoles, including computers, mobile phones and televisions. REGEN Optics positions its products as innovative solutions that incorporate years of expertise in eyewear technology to meet the specific needs of the gaming community.

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REGEN Optics

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