(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    A real pleasure to deal with – polite courteous prompt but more importantly a great product – real quality and delivered within 48 hours of order

    Would highly recommend



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Newman Bands

Newman Bands is a UK based company specialising in men’s rings made from a variety of tough materials including tungsten, titanium, carbon fibre, natural wood and antler bone. With a focus on creating rings that are not only durable and scratch resistant, but also aesthetically pleasing, Newman has positioned itself as a source for unusual ring designs. The brand’s extensive collection offers rings to suit a wide range of tastes and styles. Men can choose from a range of ring colours, from traditional tones such as black, silver and gold, to more adventurous options such as blue and rose gold. Newman Bands incorporate natural elements into their designs, offering collections of wood rings, antler bone rings and shell rings. These collections are aimed at men with an affinity for the outdoors, nature and the sea.

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Newman Bands

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