(3 Reviews)

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    Number of reviews: 3
  1. Rating:

    The worst and most stressful experience of my life
    On 26.01.2024 I placed an order for an engagement ring that was supposed to arrive by 08.02.2024, unfortunately the deadline was extended until 06.03.2024 which resulted in the loss of my plans to propose to my girlfriend that meant paid vacation, flight and all the organization that cost a lot of money. Finally received the ring I found the size was not right, completed the engagement ring resizing request and shipped it to Glamira with DPD. The ring arrived on 20.03.2024 in Glamira office (I received confirmation from Glamira by e mail) and they say on their website that it can take up to 28 working days without delivery time, but it is not at all like that, on 07.07.2024 I received mail from Glamira informing me that the ring is ready and will be ready for delivery, it took another 5 days for the ring to be ready for delivery. During all this time , 3 months I contacted Glamira countless times by email and phone and received the same reply ,,we apologize for the inconvenience, we will rush your order ” they didn’t care one second about my fiancée’s upset, frustration, my money paid on this ring and all the organization lost. Do not recommend for one second working with Glamira because they are unprofessional, disrespectful, compassionate, common sense and do not care about their customers .


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  2. Rating:

    Don't trust this company
    I ordered a ring on November for my wife’s Christmas present. It had been delayed twice and then the delivery date was set for 11/12/23. It has not arrived and they are ignoring emails. Read trust pilot reviews there are thousands of people who are in a similar situation


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  3. Rating:

    Glamira is really amazing
    The range is very large and some items can be customised yourself. The price is also lower than other shops. I have already ordered 4 times from this shop and expect to order more often.


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Glamira is a jewellery webshop with an international character, selling stylish rings, necklaces and bracelets worldwide. One of the special things about the company is the collection of the famous socialite Sylvie Meis. She herself designed a set of earrings that are for sale in the Glamira webshop. Another unique feature is the ability to customise the jewellery to your own taste and needs. The webshop has developed software for this purpose, allowing you to create the necessary designs yourself via the website. The company is mainly specialised in designing and selling engagement and wedding rings. These are available in the middle segment but also in the higher segment, where unique materials and diamonds are used. Because it can feel uncertain to make an expensive purchase over the internet, Glamira has built in some assurances for their customers. They have a 100% satisfaction guarantee and all deliveries are insured for free so that immediate action can be taken in case of damage. More information about the precious metals and stones can be found in a transparent way via the webshop, where you can also find discounts or contact the customer service.

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