(2 Reviews)

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    Number of reviews: 2
  1. Rating:

    Uncontactable company!
    I have booked a maternity leaving gift for a work colleague. The status shows paid, but order unfulfilled!! When I tried to contact the company by email or phone, there was automated message they cannot answer at the moment…!
    I was trying to give a business to a small retailer, but will think twice to do this again as obviously not worth the hassle.
    Will update my review once I get some response from the company.


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  2. Rating:

    Disappointed with the gift wrapping and gift card could have done better myself the wrapping cost more than one of the gifts and the card was hand written not printed I could have written it myself very disappointed the gift wrapping on your site looked neat and lovely. NOT MINE


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Bumbles & Boo

Bumbles & Boo is an online store that specializes in baby products. They are dedicated to providing parents with the highest quality and most affordable baby products available. The store offers a wide selection of items, from clothing and toys to furniture and accessories. Bumbles & Boo is committed to offering their customers the best possible experience. Their goal is to provide parents with the items they need in a convenient, secure, and efficient manner. The store’s website, bumblesandboo.com, is designed to be user-friendly and provides an easy way to shop for baby products. The store carries a large selection of baby items including clothing, toys, furniture, and accessories. They have a wide range of sizes and styles so parents can find the perfect items for their little one. Bumbles & Boo also offers discounts on select items and offers regular sales. At Bumbles & Boo, parents can find all the items they need to provide their baby with the best possible start in life. From clothing and toys to furniture and accessories, the store has everything parents need for their little one. With their regular discounts and sales, Bumbles & Boo makes it easy to find the perfect items for their baby at an affordable price.

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