Is expensive day cream better than cheap one?

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Is expensive day cream better than cheap one?

Everyone has stood at the chemist’s and bought two similar jars of cream, with a different brand name on them, but above all with a completely different price tag. One fairly cheap, from the house brand of the chemist or from a lesser known brand. The other is very expensive, but with a well-known brand name and the recommendation of a big celebrity. But is the expensive day cream or cosmetics really better than the cheap variant?

The cost of a product does not always consist mainly of the purchasing costs of the ingredients. Cosmetics are a very good example of this. Here, the larger brands spend most of their budget on marketing. It is extremely important for these companies that you, the consumer, see their logo as often as possible. That is why they make radio and television commercials. They are very present in blogs and magazines and often make other promotional materials. Smaller brands often have fewer opportunities or none at all. What does that say about the difference in quality?

There are several ways to look at this. You could say that small brands put a lot more effort into delivering a good product. They have to rely on word-of-mouth advertising from satisfied users. In any case, if a small brand puts a mediocre product on the market, they will have great difficulty selling it. This while big brands with fantastic packaging and a slick advertising campaign might be able to get away with a lower quality product.

On the other hand, perhaps it is precisely these large companies behind well-known brands that have a motive to deliver a very high-quality product. After all, they have a name to uphold and rely to a very large extent on their good reputation. If customers all over the world buy the same product for a considerable sum of money, and this product collectively fails to meet expectations, it can be a major blow to the company. Therefore, in addition to their large marketing budget, they will probably also invest a lot in researching a good working product.

Which day creams or other care products work well for you is very personal. There is no one perfect product that works equally well for everyone. That is, of course, the reason why there is so much choice in the market. It is good to determine for yourself what is important for you. Are you going for an anti-wrinkle cream or are you trying to get rid of the bags under your eyes? There is a range of products for every purpose. Test for yourself which one works for you. You will find out which ingredients work well for your needs, and you may want to test more expensive and cheaper creams with that ingredient to find the perfect product for you.

In addition to efficacy, other things are important, of course. These include how products are manufactured and how they are tested. For example, many consumers no longer want to buy cosmetics that have been tested on animals at any stage. Many cosmetics carry a logo which indicates that they have not been tested on animals. These companies are strictly monitored to ensure they adhere to the rules, so you can be sure of this claim.

In addition, it is important to know whether the ingredients have been extracted naturally or whether they are chemical ingredients, for example. You can also look for a natural or organic version of a certain product. Often, these are more expensive than the regular varieties, because they are more difficult to manufacture and because they are sold in smaller volumes. However, if for example your skin reacts badly to chemical ingredients in some day creams or other products, it may be just the thing for you.

It can be quite a journey to find the right products to suit your needs. Don’t be influenced too much by advertisements and commercials. After all, these are companies that recommend their own products to you. On the other hand, don’t be discouraged by them either, it’s not for nothing that so many people use these products. Look for what works for you, within your budget. There is no need to spend too much, there is a huge market for every budget. Do keep an eye on how the company works if you think that is important and pay attention to the ingredients.

There are a lot of product reviews on the internet these days. Also many bloggers and other people write their experiences on the internet with certain articles. You can benefit from this, because you can read how others have experienced a certain product. Make sure that the people who have written their experiences are not paid by the brand that sells the product. That way, you won’t get an independent review. Also, if you are going to order a product from a new webshop, read the reviews of this seller first to avoid disappointment.

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