(2 Reviews)

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    Number of reviews: 2
  1. Rating:

    Do not book a flight through this company! No way of contacting anyone.


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  2. Rating:

    Very pleasant experience
    When booking my holiday, I had several options to choose from. I am very happy that I did book here. The service from the staff was very pleasant and very personal. I was patiently helped with my questions and never had the feeling that I was asking too much. In the end, I received a lot of information and booked a great trip. I am very grateful for the experience and am happy to share it. Keep up the good work!


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BudgetAir.co.uk was founded in 2001. It is among the fastest thriving online travel agencies across the region. You can compare and get to book your flight on BudgetAir.co.uk from all airlines in the worldwide destination. The booking is 100 per cent safe and secure.Its mission has been to provide its customers with fair prices for flights globally for the last two decades. They also offer better deals in case you need a car hire service and a hotel since they have over 100000 hotels in their database for you to choose from.They have a competent customer service team that speaks English. This means you complete your entire journey in one stream without any hassles since customer care will help you book your flight, book a hotel, hire a car and other travel items such as travel insurance. Accessing all these kinds of services under one umbrella is an advantage to a customer, making BudgetAir.co.uk stand out as one of the leading companies in the UK. They also provide customers with discounts if they sign up for their next flight.

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