(1 Review)

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    Number of reviews: 1
  1. Rating:

    Gone down the drain!
    Gone down the drain! I placed a large order for nearly £1000 and they sent me an email from a different domain asking me to confirm if the order was real. They said they sent me a nominal refund to ensure it was me and it could take a few days to show. The refund had not shown less than 24 hours later and so they cancelled my order. Not only did they incompetently message me from a domain that was incorrect and misleading but they then cancelled a large order. Don’t use! Incompetent and stupid! Who pushes customers away in this day and age!


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The Bottle Club

The Bottle Club is an online retailer specialising in a wide range of beverages and related products. It offers customers a variety of spirits, wines, champagnes, beers, ciders, cocktails, mixers and tonics, providing an extensive selection to suit different tastes. What sets The Bottle Club apart is its embrace of novelty and adventure in the world of drinks, frequently introducing new arrivals to keep the selection fresh and exciting. In addition to beverages, The Bottle Club also offers a range of drinkware and vaping products, further diversifying its offering. The company also strives to highlight and support various causes, such as supporting black-owned brands.

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The Bottle Club

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